Explore accommodation
Help Centre
How do I book a room?
What do I do if I have booked a room through the university?
Can I view the property and room before booking?
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Booking terms
Who can book a room?
What is a guarantor and why do I need one?
What is a tenancy period?
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Checking in
When can I move in?
How do I collect my key?
How can I get directions to the property?
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Checking out
How do I check-out?
How do I return my keys?
What’s the latest time I can check out?
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International students
What will happen when I arrive?
I’ve moved into my room, what do I need to do now?
What should I do if I am going to be arriving later at night or early in the morning?
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Living with us
Who can I contact in an emergency?
How do I connect to the internet?
How do I raise a maintenance request if something is broken in my room?
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Parents & guardians
I'm a guarantor. What does this mean?
What insurance does my student have in place while they live with Unite Students?
Who will support my student during their stay?
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Safety & wellbeing
What's our approach to fire safety?
What are the key tips for keeping safe in my accommodation?
How do you support students with additional needs?
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Unite Students app
How do I download the Unite Students App?
When can I use the Unite Students App?
How do I log in to the Unite Students App?
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