Explore accommodation
Help Centre
Checking in
Checking in
Checking in
Arrival time
When can I move in?
What's my bed size?
What bedding is suitable for a 3/4 sized bed?
Do you provide bedding or do I need to bring my own?
Changing rooms
I want to move or upgrade my room. Can I do this?
Collecting keys
How do I collect my key?
Can someone else pick my key up for me?
What happens if I arrive and no one is there to check me in?
Early check-in
Can I move in early?
Moving day
I'm going to be late - do I need to let you know?
Is there parking provided for checking in?
How can I get directions to the property?
Room details
Where can I see details of my room like my block and room number?
Where can I see a photo of the room I've booked?
Can my family or friends stay for a few nights after dropping me off?
What to bring
Where can I find more information on preparing to check-in?
What do I need to bring with me to check in?
What should I do if I don’t have photo ID?
Is there anything I can't bring with me when I move in?
Are things like pots, pans and cutlery provided in the kitchen?
I have more luggage than I'm able to carry in one trip - what should I do?
Booking terms
Checking in
Checking out
International students
Living with us
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