Welcome to
Mercury Point

Find out more about your new home and what you need to know ahead of check-in day.

Your new home

20 Duke Street, Southampton, United Kingdom, SO14 3ET
Information for check-in day

Where do I collect my key?

You can collect your keys from reception, or our quick check-in desk on busier days.

Where can I park and unload my car?

There's limited parking available for check-in and you'll be able to park to unload belongings for 30 minutes. If you'd like a permit for car parking during the academic year for a fee, you can visit the team at Orion Point.. If you need to park for longer, your nearest car park can be found at College Street, SO14 3DZ.

When can I move in?

You can check in at any point from the start date of your tenancy. You can find your start date in your tenancy agreement or by logging into MyAccount here.

We’ll send you further information on checking into Mercury Point soon.

Students in a shared kitchen
@360 tour
Students in the reception area
Students in the courtyard
Bed in an Ensuite Premium Range 1
Study space in an Ensuite Premium Range 1
Ensuite bathroom
Bed in an Ensuite Premium Range 2
Study space in an Ensuite Premium Range 2
Bed in an Accessible Studio Premium Range 1
Bed and study space in an Accessible Studio Premium Range 1
Kitchen in an Accessible Studio Premium Range 1
Accessible Studio bathroom
Exterior of the Mercury Point building

Find out more about Mercury Point

Laundry facilities
The laundry room is located near reception. The machines are operated by Circuit Laundry and you can top-up via the Circuit Laundry app.

Outside space
There is a small courtyard with a grass area and benches. There is also a sheltered smoking area.

There is no long term parking available at Mercury Point, but you can pay for a short stay (subject to availability). Cars parked without purchasing a ticket (either by the machine in the car park or using the ‘RINGO’ app) will be ticketed automatically. The penalty charge is payable to the parking management company and our staff have no influence over the ticket system.

Bike storage
Bike storage is available at Mercury Point. This is located ouside and accessed via a fob. You can register your bike with us at reception. Don’t forget to bring a D-lock or a chain for the most secure way of storing your bike.

General waste and general recycling are disposed of in seperate bins in the external bin store located at the entrance of Mercury Point. There is also a local bottle bank, opposite the Co-op, for glass recycling.

Fire test time and meeting point
Fire alarms are fitted throughout the property. Your fire alarm test day is Friday at 1pm and your fire assembly point is located at at Terminus Terrace (opposite the co-op shop).

Need some help before you arrive?
Contact us

Mercury Point

¡SO14 3ETExplore on Google Maps