Why studying more doesn’t always equal better results
23 May 2022By Ellie B, Student writer at Unite Students
When studying feels like a daunting task, creating a structured and organised plan can help you face the task head on. There’s no need to do 12 hour long study sessions to reach your potential. Here are my tried and tested hacks to help you maximise your studies.
Use a whiteboard
To support my learning, my best investment by far was a small whiteboard. When writing to-do lists, I found notebooks and planners never worked for me. After a quick search online, I found a decent whiteboard to put up in my uni room. Tasks and deadlines are clearly visible, and when I complete a task, I can rub it out. Using a whiteboard helps me to declutter my mind, which is great for relieving stress around deadlines. My whiteboard also came with magnets so I can organise tasks based on urgency, which can be very helpful when it comes to prioritising.
Quizlet is an app that allows you to make virtual flashcards (or use ones that other students have made), a great alternative to handwritten flashcards. They're quick and easy to make and it uses an algorithm to work out which content you need to work on further. This really streamlines your revision process and it’s also great for when you're on the go or traveling. You can download the flashcards and quizzes you've created so they're usable offline - a bonus which makes it easy to study in short bursts during the day!
The Pomodoro Technique
This is a tried and tested technique based on studying in timed intervals and is designed to help students to manage their time. This effective technique has been in use by students for over twenty years, as it helps you break up large tasks into smaller manageable timed units (called “pomodoros”).
The Pomodoro Technique works by deciding what you want to accomplish, then breaking up your work into sections that make sense to you. Set a timer for 25 minutes and begin studying. There are many Pomodoro apps available to help you with this (try Pomodoro). Try to keep your focus during this interval. After 25 minutes take a short 5–10-minute break and try to do something relaxing during this time. Repeat and after doing this 4 times, take a longer break for 20-30 minutes. I have used this technique for years and I have found it to be the best way to maintain concentration and manage my time.
Virtual study companions
Studying with a friend works well for many people, but in my experience it proves to be more distracting. I find myself getting caught up in conversation, which isn’t a good use of time when I have a big deadline or exam coming up. Alternatively, “Study with me” is a YouTube phenomenon in which students’ film themselves studying, often using the Pomodoro Technique or some other technique that works for them. You simply follow along, focusing on your work as they focus on theirs and take breaks when they do. I find watching these videos while studying holds me accountable and may be simpler than setting your own timers.
Motivational quotes and affirmations
This tip is based less on studying and more on mindset. We all know that when you're not in the right headspace, studying is ineffective and can add more stress to your mind. The app Motivation is great for this, and sends you motivational quotes throughout the day helping to keep you grounded. The app asks you what you feel you need the most guidance with, i.e., relationships, faith and spirituality, self-esteem etc. meaning you can personalise it to your needs.
An alternative to this could be finding quotes that resonate with you or making your own affirmations. Write these down and put them somewhere you frequently look at. This will help give you some encouragement and grounding to calm your mind, so you are ready to study to the best of your ability.
Try to remember, everyone is different and studying is not one size fits all. It took a lot of trial and error to find the methods that work for me, so don’t be afraid to do your research and try out new techniques. Always make sure to give yourself a break and don’t put too much pressure on yourself! Being a student is hard work and you can only do your best.