How to choose a university course for your UCAS application
3 July 2024By Hazel M., Freelance writer and journalist at Unite Students
Choosing what to study at uni can feel a bit overwhelming. With so many options, it’s hard to know how to choose a university course. This guide will help you with your UCAS application, from choosing which course takes your fancy to deciding on your dream university city.
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How to choose a university course for your UCAS application
Choosing what to study at uni can feel a bit overwhelming. With so many options, it’s hard to know how to choose a university course. Especially since you’re going to be spending a lot of money on this – even if you don’t have to pay it back for a while.
And the decisions keep coming. Once you decide on your course you still need to choose the uni, as multiple institutions can offer different versions of the same course. From partying in Leeds to surfing in Sussex, deciding which uni to call home is just as (if not more!) as important.
This guide will help you with your UCAS application, from choosing which course takes your fancy to deciding on your dream university city.
Follow your interests
There’s nothing worse than spending three years studying a course that you’re not interested in. After all, this isn’t like school, and you won’t be learning different subjects throughout the week.
You need to love (or at least really like) your course, so you’ll stay motivated to put the work in and see the course through. It is, quite literally, three years of solid, hard work on one subject area. So, make sure it’s worth it.
If you’re struggling to narrow down your options, start by making a list of the things you enjoy. Once you have an idea of what interests you, work back from there and see if any courses stand out.
You could also reach out to course leaders and ask for more information if you’re not entirely clear on what they’re offering. See if you can track down people doing similar courses and ask for an insight into their student experience to help you decide if it’s right for you.
Research your career goals
If you’re one of those people who knows exactly what they want to do after uni, then go full steam ahead. But don’t worry if you’re not 100% sure on your career goals – there’s plenty of time to figure it out along the way.
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put your research in before the UCAS application deadline. You could open a door you’ve never thought about before, simply by doing a quick Google search. Keep an open mind and e open to other possibilities!
Equally, if you know exactly what you want to do, make sure the course you’re planning to take is the right one. A good idea might be to contact experts in the field for advice on how to get into a similar role.
Need convincing? Hear it from Hazel:
When I decided to study journalism, I knew I wanted to be a news journalist. However, after graduating from my degree, I came to find that many papers wouldn’t take me on without a specific newspaper qualification (in this case, the NCTJ). Annoyingly, I had looked at other universities that included this in their course offer but didn’t realise how important it was at the time. I luckily found other ways into the field and loved my time at university, but it still serves as a great lesson.
Explore job sites
Similarly, why not research current jobs associated with the course you’re interested in? You may also be able to find inspiration from uni catalogues. Think about what direction you’d be able to take with that course, and what pay scale it could offer.
Use what’s important to you to guide your decision. If you want to earn a lot of money and fast, you may be less drawn to an industry that requires a lot of grind and volunteering before the potential of landing a paid role. You may decide to look at something more business-related.
Having a look at job descriptions and different types of roles available is still a good opportunity to see what’s out there for the industry you’re looking into – even if money isn’t a motivating factor.
Weigh up your options
When it comes to completing your UCAS application, remember that in most cases you need to meet the course criteria. Some courses require you to have taken specific A-Levels first in order to meet the entry requirements. It isn’t always just about the UCAS tariff points.
And, unfortunately, it can be a bit of a gamble if you didn’t have a decent idea of what area you wanted to go into when you started them at 16. Take a subject like zoology, for example. You’re going to need to have taken at least biology at A level, and usually one other science-related subject, too.
That doesn’t mean you’re completely stuck, though. There are other pathways you can take – like access courses – to sidestep this if needed. But if you’d rather not wait, look at the A levels and grades you currently have to give you a good idea of what UCAS choices you can pick.
Fall in love with your university city
Remember, university is so much more than just a place to study. It becomes your home for at least the next three years. You may want to consider how far away you want to travel. For some, being close enough to pop home for a Sunday lunch (or on wash day) is a must. Others can’t wait to fly far from the nest.
Same goes for the type of lifestyle you’d enjoy. If you like escaping to nature, a city uni might not be for you. But if you’re looking for a fast-paced place with plenty of nightlife, a city might be more up your street.
Some would argue it’s worth prioritising the town or city over the specific university. As, let’s face it, the enjoyment of your university experience is going to come from the people you meet and the place you’re in.Here’s some things to think about before making your UCAS choices:
How close – or far away – do you want to be from home?
Would you prefer a city university or one that has a separate campus?
Do you like the sound of a big city or are you leaning towards a relaxed town?
Don’t let anyone else make the decision for you
When you’re picking a university, you’re going to get a lot of unsolicited advice. And we don’t just mean from your parents. Prepare for opinions from their friends, your grandparents, your grandparents‘ friend from bingo who has a grandson who does medicine at Birmingham, and all the rest too.
Truthfully, the only person who can and should make this decision is you. But don’t get us wrong, consulting friends and family is a great way to get a trusted second opinion. We’d recommend bringing a family member or close friend along to uni open days for an extra pair of eyes.
Listen to the opinions of the people who matter to you, to help inform your own decision. It doesn’t matter that your dad thinks you should go to Oxbridge if you think you’d be better suited to living the city life in Manchester. These are some of the most important years of your life, so don’t let anyone else dictate your decision.
Choose a UCAS insurance choice
It’s good to be ambitious. It’s even good to have your heart set on one particular university. But think twice before you throw away your UCAS insurance choice. No matter how much you cry or beg down the phone on results day, sadly you will not sway the admissions team. Having an insurance choice takes some of the stress away. You may not have got your first spot, but you’re still going to your second choice.
Don’t believe us? Learn from Jodie’s experience after she missed out on her dream uni and didn’t have a UCAS insurance choice:
I then had to go through clearing, which was stressful. Eventually I bit the bullet and rejected all my offers to take a gap year instead. All this stress could’ve been avoided if I had an insurance choice that I would’ve been happy to go to. Luckily, everything worked out for me. I got to stay in the summer job that I loved, and in the following September one of my exams was remarked, boosting my grade to the point where I met my offer from my top choice.
So, if getting into university straight from college is important to you, choose an insurance choice you really would be happy to go to. And choose wisely! However, if you do have to go through clearing like Jodie, don’t panic. Our guide to clearing will talk you through the whole process.
Take your time
Finally and most importantly, don’t rush this decision – or the UCAS application process. If you’re not 100% sure which course is for you, don’t choose any old one for the sake of it. Take some time and come back to it after you’ve had some time and space to think about it.
And, if you’re stuck between a couple of courses that you love, try to imagine yourself living there. It could be the deciding factor in how you choose a university course.Want to get started? Check out some of our stunning accommodation on offer in 23 cities across the UK.
UCAS frequently asked questions
When is the UCAS application deadline?
For courses starting in 2025, the general UCAS application deadline is 29th January at 6pm UK time. All courses at the University of Cambridge and University of Oxford, along with medicine, veterinary science and dentistry courses at other universities have an earlier deadline of 15th October, 6pm UK time.
Can I change my UCAS choices?
You can make some changes to your UCAS application. It’s possible to swap your university choice within 14 days of receiving your welcome email. This can only be done for each choice once. If you’re happy with the uni but want to change your course title – contact the uni directly.
UCAS firm choice and insurance choice – what’s the difference?
Your UCAS firm choice should be your dream uni course. This is your number one spot. The UCAS insurance choice is equally important but acts as a backup, in case you are not successful in securing your first choice.
How much does a UCAS application cost?
There is a cost involved with sending your UCAS application. For 2025 entry you will need to pay £28.50 for up to five UCAS choices before you send it off.