12 Ways to be productive and have more time for fun stuff
6 January 2020By Ben Anong, Staff writer at Unite Students
It’s easy to confuse being busy with being productive. You might be working like a dog, but how much are you actually getting done?
Find a way to get stuff done and you’ll have more free time to do the things you love. So what are the secrets to being productive?
Here’s a 12-item productivity toolkit to get you started.
1) Weekly planner
Best done on a Sunday night, so you start the week knowing exactly what’s coming up. Uni assignments, part-time work, exercise, socials, calls home - write it all down.
Use your phone’s calendar, use a fancy app, or use plain old pen and paper - whatever works best for you. Just get it all out of your head and onto a planner.
2) Daily to-do list
Get into the habit of doing this before bed each night. You’ll lay down with a clear mind and you should sleep all the better for it.
The trick is to prioritise.
Be realistic. You might have 20 things to do but you can’t do them all tomorrow. The trick is to prioritise, which brings us nicely to…
3) The Eisenhower Matrix
Draw a big square and divide it into two columns. Above the left-hand column, write URGENT. Above the right-hand column, NOT URGENT.
Next, draw a horizontal line through the middle of the square to make a grid. To the left of the top row, write IMPORTANT. Write NOT IMPORTANT next to bottom row. Now you’ve got:
Urgent AND important
Not urgent BUT important
Urgent BUT not important
Not urgent AND not important
Plot the tasks from your to-do list on the grid and - hey presto - you’ve got a plan of action. Focus on the number 1s and 2s first. Then, as your time-management skills improve, you’ll find you have fewer tasks to do urgently.
Prefer things digital? Use the free Eisenhower Matrix web app.
4) Breakfast
Whether it’s the most important meal of the day or not is up for debate. But if you want to be productive, a good breakfast within an hour of waking up will really help.
Wholemeal toast, eggs, a green smoothie, porridge, natural yoghurt, fruit, a glass of water. Some combination of these things will set you on the right path.
5) Water
A big glass of water first thing in the morning will rehydrate you after sleep and get your metabolism going for the day.
But it’s important to drink water throughout the day too. Two litres of the stuff, to be precise. Dehydration makes you sluggish and sloppy, not the ideal feelings for study.
6) Airplane mode
When you sit down to work, try to remove the potential for distraction. Since most of those come from your phone, switch it off or put it on airplane mode.
Need some motivation? Get Forest, the app that helps you stay focused and be present by planting trees when you ignore your phone. Real trees.
7) Gum
There’s some evidence to suggest chewing can boost your attention, relieve stress, and make you feel more alert. So it’s worth trying some gum in your next study session.
Don’t overdo it though. Two or three pieces a day is plenty. And if you’re worried about artificial bad stuff, look for a sugar-free, aspartame-free brand.
8) Noisli
I take any opportunity I can to recommend this app. Noisli is the background noise generator that helps you block out those unpredictable, distracting noises.
Leaves rustling in the wind, a crackling fire, waves breaking on the shore. Use the free online version of Noisli when you study and see if it helps you focus.
9) Timer
One of the biggest killers of productivity is tiredness. There’s only so long you can concentrate before you get tired and lose focus. Know the feeling?
With the Pomodoro Technique, you work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. After four 25-minute bursts, you take a 30-minute break. Repeat as needed.
Download the free Brain Focus Productivity Timer app for Android.
Download the free Brain Focus Productivity Timer app for iOS.
Old school? Get the original tomato-shaped kitchen timer that inspired the idea. Watch out though, it ticks.
10) Trainers
When it’s time for a break, get outside and take a walk. The fresh air and the movement can help you retain what you’ve learned and boost your creativity later on.
If you’re into fitness and exercise, think about making it a part of your morning routine. Work out after breakfast to get a wave of accomplishment you can surf all day - or do it at lunch to come back feeling refreshed.
11) Lunchbox
This goes hand-in-hand with the trainers - it’s about getting outside when it’s time to take a break. Make a decent lunch, pack it up, and take it somewhere else to eat.
12) Fun plans
When you’re done, switch it all off and put it away. Then go enjoy yourself. Work out, see a movie, meet up with friends. Whatever your definition of a reward is, do it.
Relaxation and fun are not luxuries, they’re an essential part of good productivity. That’s why offices are full of ping pong and foosball tables nowadays.