What alcohol poisoning looks like - and how you can help
28 September 2020By Rob Slade, Staff writer at Unite Students
People aged 16-24 are the most likely to be teetotal. But, when they do drink, this age group is also the most likely to binge - and it’s binge drinking that puts you at risk of alcohol poisoning. The trouble is, it's binge drinking that puts you at risk of alcohol poisoning. If things do go wrong, here's what to do.
How to spot the signs of alcohol poisoning
If your friend looks like they’re struggling, you can help if you know how to spot the signs of alcohol poisoning. So here they are.
Somebody who’s suffering from alcohol poisoning might:
get confused
slur their words
lose coordination, stumble or fall over repeatedly
throw up
start breathing slowly or irregularly
become very cold, with pale or blue-tinged skin
stop responding even though they’re conscious
pass out and become unconscious
If you’re worried but unsure, call 999 straight away and ask for an ambulance. Alcohol poisoning is dangerous and should be treated in hospital.
What to do until the ambulance arrives
Stay with them and try to contact your friends for support if you’re out with a group. Then:
keep them sitting up and awake by talking to them
give them water if they can drink it
if they've passed out, check they're breathing properly
lie them on their side if they are unconscious
keep them warm by putting a jumper or coat around them
keep checking their symptoms
Now you know what to do, let’s look at the things you shouldn’t do.
Never do any of these things
There are a few myths around what to do for people who are very drunk or suffering from alcohol poisoning. So, if you think somebody has alcohol poisoning:
never let them drink any more alcohol
never leave them alone to sleep it off
never give them coffee
never make them walk around
never put them under the shower
never try to make them throw up
These things won’t help and they could be dangerous.
For more information on alcohol poisoning visit the NHS website.