How to look after your mental health as a Black person

12 May 2021
By Nana, Student at Heriot Watt University

Mental health in the Black community can be a taboo subject and it’s often stigmatised, making it hard to deal with issues. But the events of the past year, like the death of George Floyd, have caused Black people considerable challenges when it comes to mental health. With this in mind, here’s my advice on how to look after your mental health as a Black person.

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By Nana
As an Urban Planning and Property Development student naturally I’m a fan of Architectural Digest and chill. If I could be an animal I’d be a Sphynx - never have a bad hair day again. My favourite Spice Girl is Posh Spice. I’m always in the mood for Wagamamas and chocolate spread sandwiches before bed are a daily ritual of mine.